═══ 1. OS/2 PM Bingo ═══ OS/2 PM Bingo is a 32-bit, multi-threaded OS/2 2.0 Presentation Manager software program which allows you to play many different types of bingo games on your computer. Features include: o Automated or manual play o Computer play o Play up to 12 cards at the same time o Highly customizable (bingo chip color, sound, draw time interval, etc.) o Bingo scores showing number of bingos, number of games and cards played When you first invoke the program, the Options dialog box is displayed to allow you to select the type of bingo game to play and the number of bingo cards you want to play at the same time. At this time, you may also select to have the computer play one bingo card. Click on OK to continue. Once the bingo cards are displayed, select Start under Menu or press F2 to start the game. Numbers are drawn at regular intervals (according to the draw time which may be customized using the Settings dialog box). The Bingo Board will display the drawn number in reversed video. Numbers previously drawn are removed from the Bingo Board. Also, you may pause the game at any time by pressing F4 (or Pause from Menu) and you may draw the next number immediately without waiting for the regular draw time interval by pressing F5 (or Next number from Menu). If a bingo has been found, a Bingo! dialog box will appear containing the number of the bingo card (if the computer won, Computer will appear instead of the number of the bingo card). Multiple bingos will result in multiple Bingo! dialog boxes. Select Start under Menu again to start a new game. ═══ 2. How to Register ═══ To register, please complete and send the ORDER.FRM below. OS/2 PM BINGO ORDER FORM NAME: ______________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________ CITY: ______________________________________________________ STATE/PROVINCE: ______________________________________________ ZIP/POSTAL CODE: _______ ORDER: [ ] 3.5" $15.00 [ ] 5 1/4" $15.00 ALL SHIPPING CHARGES ARE INCLUDED. MAKE CHEQUES OR MONEY ORDERS, IN US OR CANADIAN FUNDS ONLY, PAYABLE TO: I. Z. MARTINEZ AND SEND ORDER TO THE ADDRESS BELOW. I. Z. MARTINEZ 4 COLONEL MARR ROAD UNIONVILLE, ONTARIO CANADA L3R 2L7 ═══ 3. Help for Menu ═══ Use this choice to get menu options for Bingo which includes: o Start a game o Quit a game o Pause a game o Draw next number without draw time delay o Select between automated or manual play o Options o Settings o Scores o Exit ═══ 4. Help for Start ═══ This choice allows you to start a game. If a game is in progress, you will be prompted to confirm. ═══ 5. Help for Quit ═══ This choice allows you to stop a game in progress. You will be asked to confirm to quit the game. ═══ 6. Help for Pause ═══ Pause allows you to stop the bingo game temporarily. Click on OK to resume the game. ═══ 7. Help for Next number ═══ Next number allows you to draw the next bingo number immediately without waiting for the normal draw time delay. ═══ 8. Help for Auto play ═══ You may toggle between automatic play or manual play. ═══ 9. Help for Options ═══ Options allows you to change: o Player's name (shown in the Scores) o Type of bingo game (ie. Classic, All numbers, Four corners, etc.) o Select automatic or manual play o Select number of cards to be played o Computer play ═══ 10. Help for Settings ═══ Settings allows you to customize the following features: o Bingo chip color o Draw time o Sound o Mark all o Prompt for a new set of cards before each game ═══ 11. Help for Scores ═══ Scores allows you to see the number of games played, number of cards played and number of bingos for both you and the computer player. ═══ 12. Help for Exit ═══ Select this choice to leave the program. If a game is in progress, you will be prompted to confirm. ═══ 13. Options Dialog Help ═══ You may customize several options from the Options dialog window: o Player's name o Game type o Number of cards o Auto play (on or off) o Computer play (on or off) After changing the options, select OK to continue. Select Defaults to restore the options settings to the original system defaults. ═══ 14. Your Name Help ═══ Type your name (maximum of 20 characters) which will be shown in the scores. ═══ 15. Game Type Help ═══ You may select which bingo games to play. Only the available bingo games are shown in the combination list box. ═══ 16. Number of Cards Help ═══ You may select how many bingo cards you want to play at the same time. Valid choices are between 1 and 20. ═══ 17. Computer Play Help ═══ If you select On, the computer will play one bingo card. If you select Off, there will be no computer player. ═══ 18. Auto Play Help ═══ Select On for automatic marking of numbers. Select Off for manual play. ═══ 19. Defaults ═══ Select this push button to restore the Options settings to the original system default values. ═══ 20. Start Dialog Help ═══ You have chosen to start a new game while the current game is still in progress. Click OK if you really want to start a new game. The current game will be lost and a new game may be started. ═══ 21. Quit Dialog Help ═══ You have chosen to quit while the current game is still in progress. Click Yes if you really want to quit the current game. The current game will be lost. ═══ 22. Let's Play Bingo Dialog Help ═══ The computer has detected that you have not yet started a new game. Click on Yes to start a new game immediately. If you click on No, you must start the game manually but selecting Start which is found under Menu. ═══ 23. New Cards Help ═══ You are about to start a new bingo game. You have the option of using the same cards you have played with in the previous game or to use a new set. Click on Yes to play with a new set of bingo cards. ═══ 24. Settings Dialog Help ═══ You may customize several games settings from the Settings dialog window: o Color of bingo chips o Draw time (in seconds) o Sound (on or off) o Mark all (on or off) o Use new or existing cards or prompt after every game After changing the settings, select OK to continue. Select Default to restore the game settings to the original system defaults. ═══ 25. Chip Color Help ═══ You may select the color of the bingo chips. Only the available colors are shown in the combination list box. ═══ 26. Draw Time Help ═══ Enter the desired time between bingo number drawings in seconds. Suggested number is 1 second multiplied by the the number of bingo cards. ═══ 27. Mark All Help ═══ If you select off, only those squares relevant to the current bingo game being played may be marked. If you select on, all squares on the bingo card may be marked. ═══ 28. Sound Help ═══ You may turn the sound effects on or off. ═══ 29. New Cards Help ═══ Select Prompt if you wish to be asked if you want a new set of cards everytime a new game begins. If you wish to keep playing with the same set of cards all the time, then select No. If you wish to playing with a new set of cards after each game automatically, select Yes. ═══ 30. Defaults ═══ Select this push button to restore the game settings to the original system default values. ═══ 31. Scores Dialog Help ═══ In the Bingo Scores dialog box, the number of games played, number of cards played and number of bingos for both you and the computer player are displayed in tabular form. Just click on OK when you are done. You may reset the scores back to 0 by clicking on the Reset push button. ═══ 32. Reset ═══ Select this push button to reset the bingo scores back to 0. ═══ 33. Help for Help ═══ Use this choice to get help for the application. You may request an index of help choices, general help for the application, help for the supported function keys, or a brief description about the application. ═══ 34. Help for Help Index ═══ Use this choice to get an index of available help topics. ═══ 35. Help for General Help ═══ Use this choice to get general help for the whole application. ═══ 36. Help for Using Help ═══ Use this choice to get help in using the help subsystem itself. ═══ 37. Help for Keys Help ═══ Use this choice to get help for the supported function keys. ═══ 38. Help for Product Information ═══ Use this choice to get a brief description of this program. ═══ 39. Keys Help ═══ The following keystrokes are valid in this application: ┌────────┬────────────────────┐ │Key │Description │ ├────────┼────────────────────┤ │F2 │Start │ ├────────┼────────────────────┤ │F4 │Pause game │ ├────────┼────────────────────┤ │F5 │Next number │ ├────────┼────────────────────┤ │Alt+A │Toggle autoplay │ ├────────┼────────────────────┤ │Alt+O │Options │ ├────────┼────────────────────┤ │Alt+Q │Quit game │ ├────────┼────────────────────┤ │Alt+S │Settings │ ├────────┼────────────────────┤ │Alt+R │Scores │ ├────────┼────────────────────┤ │F1 │Help │ ├────────┼────────────────────┤ │F3 │Exit │ └────────┴────────────────────┘